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Fury Within

Punk Rock - Hackettstown, NJ

Fury Within, formed in February of 2007, is a punk band from Hackettstown, New Jersey.  They started as a four man band, with members that have been long-time friends all coming together from various other local bands. 

As a band they are only interested in playing original live music that will hit people right between the eyes, and have them leaving their shows knowing they just saw a band who loves what they do, and entertained the hell out of anyone within earshot.

The band would like to thank everyone for their constant support and encouragement!  "We are grateful for all the friends and fans who have always been there for us, come to the shows and support us!  Shout out to the many bands (big and small) we have shared stages with over the years, there is just too many to name. We'll catch up with you at the bar." - Fury Within.

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